This is a joke that is really funnie and it works!
An old lady walked into a grocery store. She wanted
to buy the best dog food in the world for her little
puppy. She went up to the cash register to buy the
food. The sales-lady told her that the store did not
allow old ladies to buy animal food unless they show
the actual animal because a lot of old ladies like to
eat the animal food themselves.
So the old lady went home, got her dog and went back
to the store to buy her dog food.
The next day she came back to buy the best cat food
around. But the sales-lady told her the same thing, so
the old lady went back home and brought her cat to the
grocery store to buy the cat food.
The next day, the old lady went to the grocery store
again, carrying a big container. She went up to the
sales-lady and said, "Put your hand inside here." The
sales-lady shook her head. "No.", she said. "There is
probably something in there that will bite me!"
"I promise you that there is nothing in here that will
bite you.", the old lady said.
So the sales-lady stuck her hand inside the container
and screamed.

To find out what was in the container you must send
this to at least 10 people. When it says your mail has
been sent, instead of clicking "OK", hit ALT-8 and the
container will pop up on your screen. (yeah, right....)

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